Welcome to The Gallivanting Spoon, I am Allyson, a food enthusiast that loves to EAT and roam the world. I have a hunger for organizing, planning, and well, eating of course!

My biggest joys in life are to see the small details fit together to make one big picture, I call it my “puzzle drive”. My goal is to complete the travel puzzles for my readers and guide them to mouth-watering restaurants around the world!

“Do what you love, love what you do.”


The Gallivanting Spoon can help market your brand with a unique style and professional creativity. Please contact me for more information or to request my media kit.

Custom Travel Planning

Growing up I would plan weddings even if there was no wedding to be planned, planning is in my blood. Traveling also holds a large part of my heart, and it includes a ton of planning, so why not turn what I am good at and something I love into my dream job, Custom Travel Planning. Custom Travel Planning includes a personal travel itinerary based on your travel style.

Restaurant Reviews

A full blog post with honest reviews on the food, service, location, aesthetics, and experience linking to the restaurant’s website.

Social Media Marketing (Reel, Story with Link Attachment, or Post)

Any photos taken can be used for your use with the tag @thegallivantingspoon

A collaboration offers great exposure and growth for your restaurant on Social Media and Google SEO.

Hotel Reviews

A full blog post with honest reviews on the comfort, service, location, food, aesthetics, and experience linking to the hotel’s website.

Social Media Marketing (Reel, Story with Link Attachment, and Post)

Any photos taken can be used for your use with the tag @thegallivantingspoon

This can increase exposure and growth for your hotel on Social Media and Google SEO.

Previous Collaborations

For Any Other Inquires